It has come to our attention that there are many more people that read our blog than leave comments. an effort to see who in the world is keeping up on the life and times of Erik & Sonya, I'm writing this blog. Leave us a comment! It doesn't have to be anything profound, we just want to hear from you.
If you're at a loss for something to say, start with this...
"Right now, your blog is more interesting than...(whatever you're supposed to be doing right now)"
its not polite to point. you looches can be soooo rude sometimes.
"Uncle Sam wants you!"
Right now, your blog is more interesting than...trying to write code at 4 in the afternoon.
Right now, your blog is more interesting than trying to get dressed to work out, lift weights, and prepare dinner. ;) love you looches!
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Translation: Right now, your blog is more interesting than wrestling my mommy for the keyboard.
I love your blog! It is so fun to keep up with you guys. Though I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day when Sonya was knitting, but that hat is fabulous! Jen Hutch Gorham
Hi Erik:
Saw your "goodbye" on Newsline, followed the link to your blog, and thought "what the heck," I'll leave you a message.
Best of luck at your new job. Say "hi" to Amy Lawless for me. I hope she's doing really well and loving it at Scripps. I'm sure she is. I've heard it's a fabulous place to work. I'm sure you'll love it too.
Anyway, take care.
All the best,
Wendy West
(former ORAU coworker)
Hi, Erik! Diane De Binder at ORAU here. This is the first time I've seen a real blog - am I behind the times or what? I must say yours and Sonya's is excellent! I especially enjoyed the picture of Gibbs - I am a fellow cat lover and he is gorgeous!
Just wanted to say that ORAU is losing a great employee - you have been a real asset. Congratulations on the new job at Scripps - I know you will be a great success there. You and Sonya be blessed and be happy!
Diane De Binder
Medical Education and Outreach Group/ORAU
Erik, This blog is more interesting than the medical coding I'm supposed to be doing at ORAU. I clicked onto your link on Newsline. I'm sorry to hear you are leaving. I don't know if we ever met. We do have something in common, we both go to the Church of Christ.I go to Highland Vew in Oak Ridge. Also, I have a friend that works at Scripps, her name is Laura Kinder. She works for SAIC and is a contract employee there. I wish you best of luck in your new job. I know you will be missed here. Pat Deems
Right now your blog is more interesting than going to get fingerprinted!
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