In case you didn't already know, I've been doing P90X. It's basically a 90-day workout challenge where you follow these videos for 1 hour every day. I've always had a difficult time staying motivated, but this video has really helped to provide a framework for me. Going to the gym, I was stuck in a routine and felt like I had reached a plateau. P90X provides a great schedule and I've actually enjoyed the workouts so far. Plus, I've got 2 friends who are also doing the program, so that helps with accountability, too.
Yesterday, was day 2 of week 3. The video du jour was Plyometrics, or "jump training". Some say this is the "mother of all workouts". This is the third time I've done this routine and I can honestly say that it's getting easier, but it still kicks my a**.
Here's a little video I put together to show what I put my body through every day. Keep in mind, every one of these exercises lasts 30 seconds (some are 1 minute) and they go back to back with only maybe 8 30-second water breaks in the whole hour workout. Needless to's INTENSE!
That's awesome! Thanks for the demo. i like the Mary Catherine Lunges. :)
Thanks Andrea! Those seem to be the fav among most people. They're actually pretty fun to do. I always tuck my fingers under my armpits and smell them when I'm done. It makes the workout more complete.
Napoleon Dynamite's got nothing on you!
I love how you're wearing snowboarding socks...WEIRDO!
(Love you!)
You're SO jealous of my socks! Tonight, I think I'll workout in ONLY my big socks.
Wait! Can I say that on our blog?!
These kick my a$$ too but I really like doing the plyo workout. You know.. I should start posting some clips of the my workouts too.
@IslandWarrior808 thanks for the comment! I remember your handle from Twitter.
You should definitely post some videos of your P90X workouts. Even if you don't record them, just having the camera on gave me that little bit of extra motivation. Peace!
i was going to comment on those socks, but someone else beat me to it. i am waiting to see if any of this footage finds its way into a rootclip episode in the future. that would be epic.
(i love you too.)
Epic, indeed! Thanks for the comment, Mock!!
Doubtful it will make it into the next Rootclip, but I'm sure the community would get a kick out of the video. Peace!
Dude, Im sitting here cracking up. I love it! I'm gonna have to show Shane he will love the idea of the videos! He does stuff like that all the time.
Bella is sitting here with my and is giggling uncontrollably. She just said, "That's funny! That's funny!" Over and over! :)
P.S. Bella likes the socks too! :)
Thanks for the comments guys! I might have to do more of these based on the responses.
Next time, expect better results and more ridiculous clothes. Hahah!
Erik, you look so serious. I could not figure out if this was supposed to be funny or it? My fav is the jack squats. I think that is what you call it! Good for you! Keep it skinny minnie!
Erik, you look so serious. I could not figure out if this was supposed to be funny or it? My fav is the jack squats. I think that is what you call it! Good for you! Keep it skinny minnie!
I read your comment to Erik just now, and he said..."um, it's serious, and that's why it's so funny!" Ha Ha!
That video is so funny. I am laughing and wishing I could wake my husband up to watch it. I'll have to show him in the morning. If that is not a motivational video than I don't know what is!
Erik, I was laughing before I even pushed play! You are so funny to have put this on here. Thanks for the entertainment and keep up the hard work. Andrew and Brandon would be so proud!
Lookin' good Erik!
Erik - I Googled "P90X Knoxville" to check for local classes and your video came up first! It looks so hard. Are you still doing it?
@Lauren it was difficult at first, but got easier as the weeks progressed. I got 5 and 1/2 weeks through the program and then Christmas hit. I totally stopped for 2 weeks and have tried to restart twice now with no success.
I'm determined to get back on the wagon this month, so be forewarned, I will soon be tearing telephone books in half. And then recycling them, of course.
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