Thursday, September 04, 2008

Politics, Theology and The Daily Show

Interesting bit on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart about how some GOP pundits are changing their stories since Sarah Palin has come onto the scene.

I'm saying this to myself as much as all of you, please think about where you stand on the issues at hand in this election and don't assume that any specific news channel or political talking head has all of the facts. I'm often tempted to repeat what I hear somebody on the television/radio saying about politics because it think its clever or interesting, but often times, I haven't done all of my research and come off just being a mockingbird who doesn't know what he's really talking about.

For this election, I'm going to overlay each issue with my theologies and see how they stack up against what I believe about God, His people and the world in which He has allowed us to live and serve Him. I hope that you will do the same and not just ride the coattails of any specific party without knowing where they're going.

Wow, who knew you could mix faith and politics in one blog post?!



Travis said...

If your vote is going to support religion, you vote republican. If your vote based on which party resembles the ideals of the positive aspects of your faith, you vote democrat.

More practically: if you want the sick and poor to get help like the bible says, you should vote democrat.

If your only concern is pushing the ideals of vocal evangelicals like the pro-life lobby, you vote republican.

Tis how I see it...

Erik said...


Honestly, I have come to see it that way more and more. Over the last few years I've been paying attention to what is going on, BUT, I still feel like I don't understand it all.

One thing I do understand, is that this war has GOT to end; we've got to be better stewards of the environment; and from the point of view of someone who works in health care...EVERYONE deserves to be covered!

I probably shouldn't have gotten started on this. I was glad to see that Erik posted this blog. Thanks for your comment! :)


Travis said...

Great response. I couldn't agree more. The war does need to stop. The idea that my tax dollars are indirectly being used to fund weapons that kill has always left me a little uncomfortable. I'm not a blind passivised, but its been a long time since there has been a real war I believe in...

Chris Tappan said...

my two cents--i gave up years ago thinking that it'd be a clear choice, but just this week a couple of radio shows made it even harder to manage.

one was about abortion and it occurred to me during that discussion that while i think lots of policy efforts are more Christ-kingdom-oriented than others (i fully agree and tend to vote on poverty-healthcare-war-environment aka democratic ideas), abortion is the only (and frankly, i still need time to develop this idea even for myself) legislated basic-level sin (there's not much biblical to support the idea; also please understand i'm not condemning people who have had abortions and i understand both the multitude of facets to this issue and that a belief that life begins at birth is a legitimate one that i don't happen to hold). i absolutely hate that the religious right tends to use this as trump card that overshadows all other issues, but can i vote for someone who i believe wants to further legitimate sin?

that said, another program talked about how the single most important issue is that of the role of commander in chief because this is the only thing the president is constitutionally able to do whatever s/he wants without the checks and balances of the other two government branches. while i'm not sure it's truly the biggest issue, it was made an even bigger one in my head. it's pretty clear which candidate would be more trigger-happy, and i'm pretty sure that i don't want anyone else's blood on my hands, particularly for greed-based interests.

so i rambled--just thought i'd share the even more wrenches thrown into my gears in the last few days.

Dad said...

I can't believe I am reading all of this Liberal Christian Mis-Info! Michael Moore is the worst example of what America is all about.My wife and I have seen all of his movies to get a full perspective of what Michael Moore was all about. Sorry to say, we were both, sorely disappointed! The man is a Revisionist Neo-Socialist/Communist. Barrack "Hussein" Obama comes in a close second. Here we have a man who claims to be a "Christian" and sits in the pew for years as his minister says: "God Damn America"... and his wife supports him by saying America is a hateful nation. And then we all have to be
Politically Correct"! Can we refer to African Americans as "Colored People"??? I am perplexed on this point... If everyone is so concerned about Political Correctness... Let's tell the NAACP to change their acronym... National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People"... Need I continue? What a Joke! Is Obama a Christian? or a Muslim? He slipped up last week in an interview and said: "My faith as a Muslim"... and then he stopped dead in his tracks. America IS NOT ready for Obama. It's not a racial thing. It's an issue thing. When does life begin? Obama says he's not sure?? Hmmmmmmm McCain says "At Conception". I am a Libertarian. I hate much of what Democrats proclaim, and also what the Republicans try to push through. My prediction: McCain and Palin (what an awesome woman) will win in a Reagan style Landslide. The War needs to End! Taxes need to be cut! The Russians need to be checked! and McCain/Palin will accomplish this! Hillary should have been at the top of the ticket. Now the Democrats have a "Community Organizer" running for President. How EMBARRASSING!!! For those who are of the Jewish Faith.... Obama will not support a Pre-Emptive Strike against Iran...It's like having Hitler back in office !!! These Fascist Muslim Terrorists need to be Nuked... Yes... I said it NUKED !!!! Low Yield... Use a Neutron Bomb... Less Collateral Damage... and we can then go in and take over the Iranian Oil Fields.!!! Look up Neutron Bomb... We have hundreds in our arsenal! I am a retired Principal and am currently teaching Government at a Florida High School! We have great class discussions, as you can well imagine! Go McCain/Palin!!!!

Travis said...

I severely disagree with everything you said and it worries me that you are a teacher.

Erik said...

To be honest, I never thought our blog would bring up such emotions!

Truly this is a heated issue and something that I hope everyone is aware of with the election looming as it is. My whole point in writing this blog post was to encourage any reader to think about each issue at a granular level and to look through your theology-tinted glasses on each one. For example, what do you believe about poverty and the example that Jesus has given us on how we should see it cared for/overcome? Take that "theology" and match it up to what each politician is planning to do about poverty, the state of welfare in this country, etc. Hopefully, that will help you make a more conscious decision about who would best serve our country (and our God). Plus, you'll know more about what you believe in the process.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I'm glad that each of you felt comfortable enough to share them here. I like to hear the views of others on ALL sides of the issues. And though we may differ on what we think, I hope we can still be respectful of one another and our differing views.


Erik said...

Even though I TOTALLY disagree with you, I still love you! :)
