Friday, February 09, 2007

Here Comes Debbie Downer

Well, after the home inspection, we have decided to walk away from the deal on the house below. I guess I got a little over-excited when we had gotten the contract signed and wanted to tell everyone about it. Turns out, the house had some termite damage, standing water on the roof and structural damage in the garage, just to name a few problems.

We hate that we're back at square one, but stand confident that God has a much better plan for us, even if we have to be homeless for a while (we're still selling our condo and the closing is set for the 27th of this month). He is faithful and has always provided for us in abundance. Please pray that everything will work out smooth over these next few weeks and that God will guide us in our decisions on where He wants us.

If you're unfamiliar with Debbie Downer, get a clue!! Actually, it's a SNL skit played by Rachel Dratch. Check out one of the skits here.


Jennifer said...

I'm SO thankful that you found those things out before you got in the house. Definitely God has something better in mind for you as he pulled you out of this deal in a timely fashion. I'll pray with you for a place to lay your head!

Suzanne said...

awww..BUMMER...but God did NOT want you in that house for a very specific reason! we'll be praying for yall!!

JB said...

Throw a fit, why dontcha EriK! :P I'm happy about your house news! :)

Aaron and Amy Etheridge said...

Amy had told me about the new house and I was all excited for you guys. Sorry to hear about all the bad stuff. It is a good thing that you found out before moving in though. I can't wait to see the house that God puts you guys in. Love ya,

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this news, but am thankful that these discoveries were made before you bought and moved in. Chan and I will be praying that God will bless you with a new house soon!

Anonymous said...

termites are gross!
much love, kkamm