Monday, June 08, 2009

Improv Everywhere...even in Knoxville!

So, while perusing the interwebs, I came across this video on Ken Wilson's blog...

I had to watch it a few times to see all of the people's faces that were not part of this event. Someday, this will be me! I will don my hammer pants (or other mission critical attire) and dance, sing and act like I don't care who's watching...because it's not as embarrassing when everybody's doing it, right?

In watching this video, I was reminded of the whole Improv Everywhere movement (a.k.a. Urban Prankster) and how I still long to be a part of that. Knoxville has a group, which I am a part of, but haven't gotten involved with any such events...YET!

Take some time to check out the Improv Everywhere website and some of the classic missions they've done over the years. Then, find your local Urban Prankster group and make a scene!