Though this could quite possibly be the biggest rush ever, I don't think I'd ever try it. This video both left me in complete awe and also needing to change my underwear. Enjoy!
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
Have you ever done any base jumping or skydiving? If so, where...and why did you do it? If you bungee jumped, don't even bother commenting. That's child's play you big baby!
Ok so I have to admit this looks so awesome....I'm pretty sure I could be talked into this.
I did skydive in Australia and I can't believe you never did after watching you go off the CRAZY high bungee jump!
Neither of us did the bungee jumping in NZ because we were too cheap. Well, that's the reason we always give people.
The real reason was that I there wasn't a pair of diapers big enough to keep me clean and dry after looking down from that height.
I remember now, it was Aaron, Dane and Will who bungeed the crazy one in the cable car.
Well I was giving you props in my mind if it makes you feel better. :)
This video just messed up my life for the day. UNREAL!!!!!
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