Anyways, my REAL reason for posting is to share the awesome time that we had with our friends Curtis and Crystal Summers. We met this awesome couple in Michigan [Erik breathes a sigh and sheds a tear for his home state] after we moved back from Harding. They attended Grace Bible Church in Ann Arbor and were the first couple that befriended us when we visited there. And the rest...is history.
They now live in Texas. The only other state where a persons love of home rivals that of our fellow Michiganders. While here, we caught up on everything that’s happened since the last time we hung out...which was THREE years ago. We’ve kept in touch via phone, but it’s never the same as getting to be in someone’s presence. We went on a short hike through the Knoxville Arboretum, then went to see My Fair Lady at the Historic Tennessee Theatre. It was a wonderful weekend. Now, we just need to plan some time in Texas.
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