Sunday, June 25, 2006

Erik Is The Biggest Loser

Our day began with a trip to town for breakfast and shopping. We ate breakfast at Downyflake Doughnuts, which was spectacular. Just a tiny little place that has become a favorite for the locals (and us too). I was just bummed that, being known for their doughnuts, none of us even got one. I guess that's just an excuse to go back before we leave. After breakfast, we went to the Stop-And-Shop and loaded up on about 20 paper bags of groceries. Mind you, it was a total downpour the whole morning and we had a half mile walk to get to our bus stop to get us back out to 'Sconset. We made it to the bus stop, but had to wait 49 and 1/2 minutes for a bus!! Despite our morning "swim" home we had an awesome time and made some memories.

Below is a picture of the lighthouse at Sankaty Head Point (Skanky Point, as we call it) that we rode our bikes to that afternoon. It had cleared up a little and was a great ride out to the point. However, the fog was so thick that you could hardly see the ocean from the lighthouse.

The guys made taco salad for dinner and, I must say, it was excellent! After dinner Sony and I learned a new dice game called "Farkel". We played a different variation than the Wiki site, which consisted of only 5 dice and 1 Consequence. The consequence was basically something one might choose as a dare for the Truth or Dare game, which had to be done by the loser. The consequence for the game we played was for the loser to drink a concoction of any ingredients picked by the non-losers. There was one good thing about the consequencec, though...the loser got to see all of the ingredients beforehand and pick one that they didn't want to have mixed in. I bet you'll never guess who lost. Oh yeah...that's right...It was ME!! I totally lost and had to drink a shot glass full of red wine vinegar, Tobasco Sauce, Non-Fat French Vanilla CoffeeMate Creamer, and Pace Mild Salsa. It was chunky and I had to chew it rather than just throw it down. At least I was able to keep it down. Here's a picture of my consequence...


Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

sonya, that is soooo skanky.