Monday, April 28, 2008


Well, Erik's off to Denver for the next few days to talk to the "the board" about Rootclip. Have you checked it out yet? The official launch is TODAY, the new video should be up by about 3pm. I'm so proud of Erik and all of the hard work he's put in to this. It's AMAZING. Even if you're not in to film making, you can still vote on all of the submissions and help support the site. It should be fun!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mawage, sweet mawage!

I absolutely love this picture of Mark and Jess. This seriously gives you an idea of how much joy there was surrounding the entire event, as we watched Mark (Erik's brother) marry his best friend. It was amazing. Jessica is a precious person whom I have grown very fond of, and I have no doubt that she is the absolute perfect person for Mark. Their love for God and for each other is...just beautiful. The wedding took place in Fort Myers, FL this past weekend. We met up with family and friends we hadn't seen in ages, it was a wicked good time. Lots of dancing, eating, laughing, and it wouldn't be Florida without the torrential down pour thrown in for good measure. We'll spare you all of the crazy (and embarrassing) pictures of the bachelor and bachelorette parties, all you need to know is that the weekend ended with two lovers headed to Hawaii on their way to a fabulous honeymoon. Actually, they're STILL honeymooning as I write this. No fair.

I throw this picture in to remind us of the hilarious dueling sound systems at the park during pictures. These groomsmen are dancing to "Soulja Boy" courtesy of the people who were having a birthday party in the pavilion next to us! It was so loud, all we could do was laugh.

About 30 minutes before pictures started, Erik realized he forgot his PANTS. Kind of important. Yeah, if it weren't for Rob, he would have walked down the isle in jeans.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Language Barrier

So, I totally forgot about this video when we first got back and for those of you that missed it on my facebook, I thought I'd share it. Enjoy!