Monday, October 15, 2007

Corn Maze

Yet another thing to add to our list of "firsts" this year...a Corn Maze. What a crazy thing. You run around a corn field, in which a maze has been cut out, trying to locate all of the stations to get a punch for your card. We opted NOT to do the haunted maze. For one, Chris and Ashley had their precious little girl with them, and secondly, Erik was scared (HA!) Our small group went together this past Friday night. We split up into groups (boys vs. girls) to see who could finish first. I'll just let you guess as to who won!

Ok, seriously? This is probably the worst thing I've ever heard of (or close). FRIED TWINKIES?!! And 3 dollars no less! I just couldn't believe it, so I had to take a picture. I couldn't find anyone eating one, so I have no idea what they look like. Are they breaded? On a stick? How does one fry a twinkie?

We got lost, big surprise, so I hopped up on Amber's shoulders to try to get a look at where we were. It totally didn't help. Below is Ashley and her little girl, Elena. She was so good all night, we carried her all over the maze and she never made a peep! What a sweet girl...

We had a good time, for sure.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Smoke Free in Tennessee

As of October 1, all restaurants in Tennessee are smokefree indoors unless they limit access to people 21+ at all times. SO interesting... I never thought I would see the day this would happen here.